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Current City Councillors Dominate The Campaign

Mississauga's Mayoral Race: 20 Candidates Vie for Crombie's Successor

Current City Councillors Dominate the Campaign

Four current city councillors have launched major campaigns in a bid to replace Bonnie Crombie as Mayor of Mississauga. However, with 20 candidates in total, the race remains competitive.

Crombie's Resignation Opens Door to New Leadership

After winning the Ontario Liberal leadership race, Bonnie Crombie announced her upcoming resignation as Mayor of Mississauga. This move cleared the path for a new era of leadership in the city.

A New Mayor and a Big Task

Mississauga's new mayor will face a daunting challenge, with a major unanswered question looming over the city. The Ontario government has abandoned the idea of a new hospital for the city, leaving the issue unresolved.
